The Semi-submergible (PSS) SEMI 1 Platform is designed to provide maintenance and rehabilitation support to offshore installations; it is fitted with two cranes, has a load capacity on deck of 650 t, and a propulsion system that consists of 2 azimuth in stern type engines, 2 retractable azimuths in bow and 2 tunnel thruster type support engines.

The vessel has a capacity to house 250 persons, designed with 3 levels of accommodation, lower deck, main deck and first level.

The PSS SEMI 1 platform is leased for offshore maintenance works for the purpose of complying with the strategic development plan for the rehabilitation, maintenance and support service of wells in installations of the Southwest Marine Region for which the Risk Analysis is prepared in order to comply with the current regulation of PEMEX required for the safe operation of the platform.


The objective of the Risk Analysis is to identify, assess and manage the risks that could be present in the systems, subsystems and main equipment during the support in the activities, maneuvers and maintenance done by the Semi-submergible Platform (PSS) SEMI 1, in order to control and/or minimize the consequences that put at risk the Personnel, the Population, Equipment and/or installations and the Environment.


Based on the applicable norms for doing a Risk Analysis (RA) the multidisciplinary work group was formed for the Identification of Hazards and ranking of risks, the scenarios were identified that are subject to consequences estimate analysis through the specialized commercial software PHAST, as well as analysis of frequencies through the events tree methodology, this serving as a basis for the re-ranking of the risk, finally resulting in the establishment of a series of recommendations for managing the risk.


In order to establish a comprehensive system for the management of risks, a qualitative and quantitative quantification of the inherent and managed risks on the Semi-submergible (PSS) SEMI 1 Platform was done in order to identify and evaluate their impact on the receptors of risks of interest and establish a series of recommendations intended to maintain and reduce to a tolerable level the risks present during the maintenance and maneuver activities carried out by the Semi-submersible (PSS) SEMI 1 Platform and in this way comply with the standards requested by PEMEX.